
Lab Safety Training Procedure

The following procedure needs to be done before any students (grad, undergrad, visiting scholar, etc) start working in the lab. Be sure to complete each step in order unless specified. Undergraduates, be sure to cc your graduate student at each step.

  1. Complete online safety training and Email transcripts to and cc them to and  Email Transcripts 
    a. A list of required online safety courses can be found here:
    b. If you have any questions about registering courses, you can visit the UCRLearning
    Support website to get help. It contains guides, FAQs, and how to contact them for
    additional assistance.
  2. Visit the Bioengineering department office and arrange a time to fill out Volunteer paperwork. Can be concurrent with Step 1.
    Trudi Loder <>
    a. You may also contact the bioengineering administrative officer instead of visiting the
    bioengineering department to arrange a time to fill out volunteer paperwork
  3. Arrange a time to go over and sign lab safety binder with Ruoyu Sheng <> and cc Yiqing Chen and Dr. Liu. Get confirmation from Ruoyu that the signing is complete in the same email so that Yiqing can add you to Laboratory Hazard Assessment (LHA). Yiqing will also send a confirmation email to confirm you have been added to LHA.
  4. Get PPE from storehouse after you finish LHA.
    a. The LHA website is
    i. You will see the LHA under “Action Items” or “Workspace
    ii. Additional information:
    1. LHA info:
    2. PPE info:
    b. NOTE Undergraduates: Arrange a time with your graduate student to try on lab coats in
    lab. If none fits, then get PPE from the storehouse.
  5. All students: Fill out the Google form through the link

The pdf. instruction is below.